
Herstoria_Issue_3_web.jpg <http://www.herstoria.com/&gt; HerStoria is a new independent magazine launched to bring women’s history to a wider audience In Autumn’s issue – England’s most provocative queen, the history of women football fans, the first woman civil servant (who was also a pre-Raphaelite model), early-modern witches, the shocking case of women doctors, and an interview with the…

New Academic Society and Scholarly Journal – British Historians of Women in the Americas

The founding of a new academic society and scholarly journal British Historians of Women in the Americas There are many historians in the United Kingdom researching women’s history in North or South America. Yet, we rarely gather as a group that interrogates women´s history from a hemispheric perspective. Instead our identity as historians of women…

New Journal – The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics and Culture

ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Routledge is pleased to announce The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics, and Culture.  A peer-reviewed journal, The Sixties will print its premier issue in spring 2008. Featuring cross-disciplinary and cutting-edge scholarship from academics and public intellectuals, The Sixties is the only academic journal devoted to this most extraordinary, celebrated,…